Monday, May 18, 2009

Finally I write

I've had some setbacks but now am finally back to the computer. My friend Ana flew into Sanford from Tenn.last Monday. We went to her timeshare in St. Augustine for the rest of the week. She loves to cook so took half of my kitchen with her. (baking dishes, foodstuffs,etc.etc.) She entertained her friends from Orange Park one day. I had a wedding there so took her to a friends so I could go with Tom and Helga on the wedding and reception which were both wonderful.Tom was the best man. He is thin and looks tired. He grabbed me for a very short swing dance.I think he enjoyed that.Helga watches him so closly and doesn't want him to get too tired etc.I stayed overnight at Mike and Leslie's and Ana is still there with her friend. I will meet them in St. Augustine on Tuesday and will bring her back here for another week.The Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine is progressing nicely. They are replacing the old bridge making it look as authentic as the original one. There were 2 interesting boats moored in the harbor. Perhaps they were replicas of the Pinto and Santa Maria.
I did get the results back from the genetic testing and it was negative. That's good news for everyone.
We're having much needed rain.I have 4 Bird of Paradise plants out back and one is blooming early for me. It's beautiful.
There's not much else new. I'm slowly working on getting this house and myself ready for my departure to NY. I find life to be so interesting. Every morning I wonder what the day will hold. Usually it's completely different from what I had planned.
I have two Dr. appts. today and then I will go to Don and Janice's to check their house while they are in Arizona for an NRA convention.I hope they are having a good time.
It's still thundering at 8am. We need the rain so badly that I welcome it.

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